Category: Nutrition


Half Time Snacks

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You got the job coaching a team of soccer rug rats, or you were “persuaded” to take on the role ‘cos nobody else would

Either way you’re a coach.  It’s the weekend and you are preparing for the first soccer game.

What are the best half time snacks to feed ravenous young soccer players? More info

Half Time Snacks


You got the job coaching a team of soccer rug rats, or you were “persuaded” to take on the role ‘cos nobody else would.    Either way you’re a coach.  It’s the weekend and you are preparing for the first soccer game.

What are the best half time snacks to feed ravenous young soccer players?

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate…Did I mention hydrate?  The best source for hydration is simple à H2O or water!!!  I would recommend staying away from ‘advertised’ sports drinks as they are filled with sugar and are only needed when a player has expelled a lot of sweat and in need of replenishing electrolytes.  Most sports drinks are no more then water, food coloring and sugar/salt.  Exceptions could be made during extremely hot weather.

There is quite some debate on whether soccer players in fact need a half time snack – food wise.  Most players haven’t expended that much energy to be completed exhausted!   As well, the majority of players have eaten a sufficient pre-workout meal to keep their energy up for the entire game.

If you are going to continue the half time ritual and include food, it is best to offer fresh fruit.  More specifically, fruits that contain additional water, e.g., oranges, watermelon, grapes, pineapple.  Fruit is easy to grab during half-time and more important, simple for the body to break down and digest!

Foods to avoid during half time.  I can’t believe I have to type this, but FAST FOOD.  Greasy fast food take times for the body to breakdown.  Players will be slow, sluggish and most likely develop a stomach ache.

Let me know what the most ridiculous HALF TIME snack you have seen provided?